
Latest news

Thanks to AdriaHost

We would really like to thank AdriaHost for the successful long-term collaboration, 24/7 service support and keeping us on track for the 6th time in a row.

FINAL PRESENTATIONS – Facebook Live Stream

Due to technical problems, live stream will not be provided on our website, but on our Facebook page.


You can watch live stream of Final Presentations of top four teams that went to the Finals on the following link.

Official Schedule 2017

Our final schedule for BBICC 2017 with detailed agenda and dress code can be found below:  

Thanks to AdriaHost

We would like to thank AdriaHost for the successful long-term collaboration, 24/7 service support and keeping us on track all this time.

Winners of the BBICC 2016!

Winners of the BBICC 2016 have been announced!


Finalist fictional team names in the order of appearance

Official Schedule 2016

Our official program schedule of BBICC 2016 can be found on the link below. BBICC 2016 Schedule

Ambassador application

Applications for BBICC Student Ambassadors are now closed!

Ambassador application announcement

Be patient, applications will be opened on the 1st of December.   Stay tuned!