
Latest news

Winners of BBICC 2015 have been announced!

We are delighted to announce that the winner of Belgrade Business International Case Competition 2015 is team Hong Kong University of Science and Technology!

Short Case Winners!

Here are the results of short case cracking. Congratulations to all teams!

Presentation Applications 2015

We are happy to announce that application for attendance at the final presentations is now open! Participating teams of BBICC 2015 will present their solutions on Sunday, 29th of March at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences.

BBICC 2015 Schedule is here!

Introducing the BBICC 2015 schedule!

Ambassador’s Application

Applications for ambassadors of BBICC 2015 are now closed.

Winners of BBICC 2014 have been announced!

We are delighted to announce that the winner of Belgrade Business International Case Competition 2014 is team National University of Singapore!

BBICC is officially open.

BBICC has been officially opened at the Faculty of Organizational sciences. Teams from 12 of the world’s universities will compete within the BBICC by solving a real business challenge.

Presentation applications

Application for final presentations is now open!

International Institute of Marketing Professionals

The winning team will be awarded with a scholarship to enter the Certified Marketing Management Professional program (CMMP).

Henkel – strategic partner

We dedicate this day to our brand new strategic partner: Henkel!